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Invitation to The Next Level Science of Sound Healing

Dear Sound Travel friends,

Western medicine has reigned supreme in the world for more than 150 years and is superb at treating acute conditions, but less successful when it comes to chronic disease. In an article titled,“The concept of disease: From Newton back to Aristotle” professor Henrik R. Wulff neatly summarises the philosophy of western medicine:

“Man is a complex physiochemical machine. Disease is a fault in that machine, and it is the aim of medicine to repair the fault”.

Perhaps it is time to move beyond this limited thinking.

Professor Wulff continues: We shall [come to] realise that we shall no longer regard disease as a 'mechanical fault in the human machine' but as a disturbed life process…We shall use our new knowledge to invent new effective therapies…”

New effective therapies are precisely what my new course, Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Cymatics & Sonic Science focuses on. I am excited to present this quantum-holistic approach to optimal health, in which the body’s innate healing response is stimulated by 21st century frequency medicine modalities.

Modern science is revealing that electromagnetic fields pervade the body and that such fields are not merely by-products of physiological processes but are how the body communicates with itself. Many studies have shown that cells communicate with each other in light and sound. These fields of energy-information interlink all organs and systems of the body and can be stimulated by light frequencies and sound frequencies  Frequency Medicine  acting as catalysts to support the body’s natural healing processes, for only the body can heal itself.

This important field needs the support of many people to join in spreading the new knowledge, each of us adding to the collective wellspring of change that is needed, helping make our world better. Will you join me in this expansive new realm of healing, for yourself, your loved ones and the betterment of our planet?

Here is the link to explore this important course:

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