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Joshua Leeds
Joshua Leeds is a sound researcher, educator, composer, and music producer. He specializes in the field of psychoacoustics—the study of the effect of music and sound on the human nervous system, and bioacoustics—the inquiry into how human sound frequencies affect flora and fauna. He is the author of three books: The Power of Sound (2010, 2001 Inner Traditions), Through a Dog’s Ear (2008, Sounds True), and Sonic Alchemy (1997, InnerSong Press). His thirty-plus recordings are used in homes, clinics, classrooms, and animal care facilities worldwide. Joshua teaches the therapeutic applications of music and sound to musicians, healthcare, and education professionals. Recent positions include the New York Open Center (NYC) and California Institute of Integral Studies (San Francisco). Joshua is a founding director of the US-based Sound and Music Alliance. The purpose of SAMA is the promotion and support of professional usages of intentional sound and music throughout the spectrum of life, in all possible settings and applications. ( He is an innovator in the creation of sound therapy programs and the development of psychoacoustically-based digital media. Joshua resides in Ashland, Oregon. Further info -

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Public Music

Public Music = Social Cohesion As a life-long musician, I notice that my attention now gravitates to the cultural considerations of music. Since 1986, I&rsquove been a devoted participant in music read more

The Culture Becomes the Patient (Music Matters #2)

Back in the darkness of Covid lockdown – as the world seemed to be coming apart and uncertainty reigned wild – I engaged in a conversation with my esteemed colleague, Christina Tourin, founder and guiding light of the International Harp Therapy Program. For three decades, Tina’s taught read more

Why Soundwork Research Matters

As I write my new book, Soundwork on a Hot Rock, I’m tracking the impact of intentional music and sound on our culture. read more

Expanding our Roles with Music & Sound in the Age of Covid and Climate

What a lovely two hours was spent today in the first SW21 Zoom Gathering with 50 therapeutically-trained musicians and others. We began the exploration of what it means to expand self-limiting definitions of who we are as musicians? read more

Our Culture is the Patient

Forward! There is no going back because collectively we have all shifted, peri-Covid. Isolation has become a psychological by-product of these times. Politicization has undermined the best of science. read more


Dear Andrew, Thank you for the articulate post of May 30, 2020 - COVID CONFUSION: FINDING A WAY THROUGH? "It's like trying to complete a jigsaw without a picture on the box.” Recently, like so many, I witnessed profound contradictions: A billionaire’s spaceship brilliantly launched while Corona mask-clad protesters burned police cars all over America. Another sad day for us all. read more

Moving Forward… What’s Called For and Needed?

I began social distancing March 7th. I know we all have unique circumstances and challenges. For me, even while living in S. Oregon - which is pretty much out of the fray - it still took about a month to assemble ground beneath my feet, or at least to have a workable day living with uncertainty read more

Hello friends of intentional music and sound;

In light of the dramatic re-emergence of American power politics and blame, definitions of SOUND catch my attention. The adjective, SOUND, is defined as “based on truth or right.” The noun, SOUND, is read more


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