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Lark Ascending

It's that time of year, isn't it?  (At least for us in the northern hemisphere.) Spring is upon us at last and all seems as it should be.  Sometimes things can be 'just so'.  Like they always seemed to be.

Oh, so good to say: "It all seems as it should be".  Spring flowers appearing. Lambing just across the way.  Days now longer than nights.   Ahh...

A 'just so' story... don't you think?  Well maybe, maybe not.

It's now just around a year ago that Jonathan & I ventured across the water to NY and nearby Connecticut to the Sound and Music Alliance first ever symposium. A wonderful time meeting so many great and wonderful people who work so passionately in Sound. A great number of very kind, very loving people. Many possibilities explored and commitments made. And seeds that were sown there now beginning to germinate and take root.

But also a strange time.   First the eruption of the volcano on Iceland, and then subsequent problems that took Europe by surprise.  At the symposium we all had had so much to say about the earth and then suddenly here we were experiencing the effect of the Earth's activities on the fragility of our 'trivial' (it seemed) human 'doings'.  

Initially it felt as if something so far away couldn't and wouldn't affect us.  After all, in our 'just so' lives our cocooned existence never gets impinged upon, does it?  But there is no stop-cock you can just turn off when a volcano erupts.  Volcanoes do what volcanoes do until they stop.  We had no power over it however much grandiosity we might have liked to confer on ourselves. The realisation then hits that technology just isn't going to come to the rescue.  

We did get

It seemed like a stark reminder that perhaps the Earth and Humanity do not necessarily have the same future.  It is up to us to respect the power and energies of the planet because ultimately our survival depends on it.  Despite our potential for abuse, the Earth will continue long after we have gone. 

Let us continue our work to help humanity appreciate more deeply Earth's energies. Soundworkers know the ubiquity of the energy of the Universe in all its forms.  We work with it, move and flow with it but we know it's not at our behest to have ultimate control over these forces of Nature.

So let all of us who work in Sound, in whatever way we can, offer our thoughts, energies and support to all those in Japan who have suffered as a result of the triple blow; earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation threat.

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