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Event Details

Tim Chalice

Posted:Tim Chalice

UK, WES - Kirtan with Tim Chalice, Tim Chalice, Kewstoke Village Hall, Crookes Lane, Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 9XB, 16 Nov 2024

Tim Chalice comes to Weston to share his wonderful, transformative kirtan at Kewstoke Village Hall.
Tim Chalice is a highly experienced bhakti yogi and kirtan wallah who has been bringing joy through kirtan for two decades.

"Kirtan is for all people. There are no experts, no beginners. The practice itself is the teacher, guiding us to ourselves. Kirtan allows us to enter into a world where all the logic of our minds, and all of the conditioning are left aside. With Kirtan, we create a temple inside the altar of our hearts, a place of refuge, a place of love, and a place of just being." - Jai Uttal

The mantras are very short - usually only one line which is repeated to an uplifting melody and they are sung in repetition for about 10 - 15 minutes to produce a meditative effect. The singing is accompanied by musical instruments, usually harmonium and tabla. Kirtan is incredibly simple and accessible, yet the results can be utterly transformative and profound.

Chanting is so powerful as it affects us physically as well as spiritually. We breathe more deeply and slowly. The sound vibrations resonate throughout our bodies creating an internal massage, our brainwave patterns are altered evoking states of relaxation and our blood pressure and heart rate decreases. Regular practice can elicit a relaxation response, reduce stress, sharpen mental clarity and help support our overall health and wellness

**** Please bring a cushion/ blanket to sit on. There will also be chairs available if you prefer ***

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