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Event Details

Posted:Ani Williams

, Sound Alchemy--Hermetic Sound Science, Ani Williams, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathhern Rd, Edinburgh EH91BB, 21 Sep 2012

Learn how certain sounds change our state of being, creating health and happiness. When we find the keynote in our voice, we find the key to our life. Discover how the tones in your voice reveal your unique potential. The evening will also include audience participation and uplifting chanting. Ani is a harpist, singer and sound therapist with more than two dozen CDs of sacred music. She uses the Voice Spectrum Analysis system of sound diagnostics which has also been used in clinical situations for counteracting stress, pain relief and conditions such as autism. “This is a life changing tool.” Eileen Nauman, Homeopath Ani is offering private Voice Analysis sessions Sept. 22-23 in Edinburgh.

  • Category : Sound Healing
  • Start Date : 21-09-2012
  • End Date :
  • Facilitator : Ani Williams
  • Time : 7 pm--9 pm
  • Address : Gillis Centre, 100 Strathhern Rd, Edinburgh EH91BB
  • Contact Name : Helen Harris
  • Contact Email :
  • Contact Phone :
  • Pricing Details : Entrance £10.
  • Website :
  • To Main Events Section
Sound Alchemy--Hermetic Sound Science

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