Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.

Event Details

Gavin Frank

Posted:Gavin Frank

United Kingdom (Channel Islands), OXFORD - THE VOICE OF INSPIRATION, GAVIN FRANK, , 15 Sep 2024

"The Voice of Inspiration” is an online workshop via Zoom. These workshops are dedicated to the voice inside you! Sound has the potential to inspire, transform, release and engage us more fully with life. We will explore simple profound practices rooted in a deep compassionate listening awareness, that ignite an embodied, engaged sound which is nourishing and effortless. Practices include chant, bodywork, the Indian scale and improvisation. No vocal experience needed.
Venue: Zoom. Date: Sunday
September 15th 2024. Cost: £20 or £15 if pre-booked by September 8th. Time: 11am-12.30pm.

  • Category : On-line course
  • Start Date : 15-09-2024
  • End Date :
  • Facilitator : GAVIN FRANK
  • Time : 11AM-12.30PM
  • Address :
  • Contact Name : Gavin Frank
  • Contact Email :
  • Contact Phone : 07873472135
  • Pricing Details : £20 or £15 if booked by September 8th
  • Website :
  • To Main Events Section

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