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Event Details

Christine Heckel

Posted:Christine Heckel

Spain, MARBELLA - Sound Massage for back problems online workshop, Christine Heckel, , 22 Jun 2024

In western cultures, many people suffer from back problems, e.g. of the spine, intervertebral discs and/or muscle tension. Numerous studies show that stress is a primary cause here.

In this online workshop you will learn how you, as Sound Massage Practitioner, can support the back with sound vibrations of our Therapy singing bowls. During this workshop you will observe a demontration of a sound massage sequence for back problems.

You are requested to take your own personal notes. Practice of the participants will not take place during the workshop time.

3 reasons to participate in this workshop:

- You will gain inspiring insights and concrete exercises for a relaxed back, which you can apply immediately.
- Step by step you will be introduced to a sound massage sequence for the back, which you can perform with the basic set of singing bowls (pelvic, heart & universal singing bowls) or alternatively with one singing bowl only - in this case the universal bowl.
- The technique go far beyond the topic of back problems and offer valuable impulses for better health and relaxation.

Online: via ZOOM (logon details will be sent to you after completed registration)

For more information please contact Christine Heckel at [email protected] or call +34 667 43 88 29.

I look forward to welcoming you :-)

Photo: Pixabay kevin 120415

MARBELLA - Sound Massage for back problems online workshop

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