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Event Details

Christine Heckel

Posted:Christine Heckel

Spain, MARBELLA - FREE MASTERCLASS Stress Management for Business Women, Christine Heckel, , 30 Sep 2024

This masterclass is tailored for business women who face the pressures of balancing career, leadership roles, and personal life. The goal is to equip them with practical tools to manage stress, enhance well-being, and achieve a sustainable work-life balance.

Day 1
Understanding Stress and an Immediate Stress-Relief Technique

Day 2
Long-Term Stress Management and Building Resilience

Day 3
Achieving Work-Life Balance and Preventing Burnout

This compact masterclass provides participants with a solid introduction to the topic of stress management. It imparts essential knowledge and offers practical techniques to effectively identify, reduce, and manage stress in daily life. Participants will receive direct insights to take concrete steps towards improving their well-being after these three days.

A confirmation and a Zoom Link will be sent to you after registration.

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