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Event Details

Chloë Goodchild

Posted:Chloë Goodchild

UK, GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Listening Field with Chloe Goodchild & Rebecca Nash, Chloe Goodchild, The Matara Centre, Kingscote Park, Nr Tetbury, GL8 8YA, 16 Sep 2024


Monday 16th September, 7-9pm
The Matara Centre, Kingscote Park, Nr Tetbury, GL8 8YA

An evening of Spoken & Sung Love Song to restore & lift your heart mind and soul with Chloë Goodchild (vocals) & Rebecca Nash (piano)

‘What is the deep listening? A message from the secret ones inside’

We invite you into the Listening Field, an intimate, all-inclusive, meditative space beyond ‘right and wrong’ doing inspired by a lifetime of ancient and contemporary mystical love poetry, voice, sound and silence. Come and discover the frequencies of a deeper listening sourced from the inner music of your soul.

‘I wish I could show you when you are lonely, or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being’
~ Hafiz

‘This we are now, is not imagination, not a dreaming state, a sorrow or an elation. Those things come and they go, this is the presence, that doesn’t’
~ Rumi

‘I would sell my tongue and buy a thousand ears, when that one comes near to the centre of my chest and begins to speak’
~ Rumi

Chloë Goodchild is founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering vocal training, exploring voice as a spiritual practice, sustained by conscious core practices. Chloë has made a range of albums, including Devi, Sura (Grammy-nominated), Fierce Wisdom, and her collected works, Thousand Ways of Light.

“Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art.”
- Coleman Barks

Rebecca Nash, is a pianist who has become firmly established as one of the brightest jazz talents in the UK, She is now garnering an international reputation for her distinctive sound, full of artistry and heart.

“The clarity of this creative voice that unifies the project marks her out as one to watch
both as a composer and musician”
Jazzwise, UK

“One of the freshest most creative talents in the UK at this present time”
UK Vibe

“It’s obvious that she’s going to be a star.”
Julian Joseph

Chloe and Rebecca bring a unique interweaving of spoken word, song & piano from their forthcoming ‘Listening Field’ recording series. The “Listening Field” gatherings will take place monthly at Matara or other venues in the Stroud/Gloucestershire area.

'What is it you plan to do with your wild and precious life?'
~ Mary Oliver

'What makes my heart laugh, this branch of flowers shaking in your wind?'
~ Rumi

  • Category : Music
  • Start Date : 16-09-2024
  • End Date :
  • Facilitator : Chloe Goodchild
  • Time : 7.00-9.00pm
  • Address : The Matara Centre, Kingscote Park, Nr Tetbury, GL8 8YA
  • Contact Name : Tim Chalice
  • Contact Email :
  • Contact Phone :
  • Pricing Details : £15/£10 concs
  • Website :
  • To Main Events Section
GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Listening Field with Chloe Goodchild & Rebecca Nash

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