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Event Details

Tim Chalice

Posted:Tim Chalice

UK, BATH - Kirtan & Cacao with Tim Chalice & Friends, Tim Chalice, Well Bath, Woolley Lane, Charlcombe, Bath, BA1 8BA, 15 Dec 2023

Join us for a blissful evening of devotional chanting at Well Bath on Friday 15th December. Tim will be joined by David Oliver (percussion) and Martin Solomon (violin/harp).

Come and experience how the repetition of meditative and ecstatic mantras can still the mind, awaken the heart and bring us fully into the the present moment.
The moment we begin to chant there is a feeling of letting go, a deepening of the breath and a sense of coming home. We can let go of the doership and simply be present. While focussing on these repetitive sounds our thoughts and worries begin to recede. When the chants end, we can bathe in the silence that remains. Feelings of fear, anger and separation are gently and profoundly transformed into feelings of love, compassion and Oneness.
Kirtan is for everyone! No prior experience is necessary to gain the many benefits it has to offer, simply an openness to what may occur. We sing from the heart, releasing any need to judge, to perform, to impress or be anything other than our own authentic being.

Ceremonial Grade Cacao will be used to make a potent, high vibration drinking chocolate that is often referred to as heart opening medicine. Cacao and Kirtan work exquisitely well together deepening the connection, joy and shared vibration in the room.
The cacao is ethically sourced through a workers co-operative of small family farmers to chemical free organic standards. Fostering bio-diversity and social responsibility, offering fair distribution of income, employment and education support. Cacao is vegan, gluten and sugar free and contains a host of health benefits.
For those who wish to partake, the cacao will be offered at the beginning of the evening at a cost of £5.

Tim Chalice has been leading Kirtan for over 15 years, appearing at many bhakti and yoga festivals, gatherings and retreats, as well as releasing two Kirtan CDs.

"Tim is a dedicated pilgrim of prayerful chant and song. His devotional heart sound and meditative mantras, penetrate your mind, inspire participation, and awaken your heart." - Chloe Goodchild - Singer, Author "The Naked Voice"

"A wonderfully uplifting & meditative first time for me at Yoga Bodhi. Tim's hypnotic chant took me to another state of consciousness ... a blissful state to visit." - Robin Oneile

Well Bath, Woolley Lane, Charlcombe, BA1 8BA
£20 + £5 on the evening if you wish to have a mug of Cacao

My CDs 'Give It All Away For Love' and 'Devotional Heart' will be available to buy.

BATH - Kirtan & Cacao with Tim Chalice & Friends

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