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Alexander Renner
Category: Gong Work

White Sound Gong Training

We speak of white sound when you play the gong continuously and in a controlled manner so high and intense that it becomes noisy. The individual tones and sounds mix more and more to form a noisy carpet of sound - white noise.

White noise is a consistent noise that contains all audible frequencies at the same intensity. It sounds similar to the noise of a television or radio between stations. Many people use it to relax, sleep better or block out disturbing ambient noise. Ideal for meditation, concentration and restful sleep.

With the gong, this means the highest intensity, energy and volume. The vibrations are so strong that participants regularly report feeling it very clearly throughout their body. This is the physical perception. It reinforces the effect of the gong and the mental state of meditation even more.

Gong - Energy - Transformation

It is now time to start. Never before have so many people been exhausted and lacking energy. Learn from a gong trainer who has been able to let people feel the energy of the gong in hundreds of gong sessions for over 20 years. Alexander accompanied them on their journey, challenged them and amazed them.

Be valuable with the gong

So that you too can be valuable to people, open the door to their subconscious, let them meditate and set change processes in motion: add this gong game to your repertoire. Use it with clarity, consciously and purposefully. With your own humility in the face of the power of the effect of sound and vibration, you will develop yourself further.

The power of the gong demands more from the participants in a gong meditation than in a relaxation session. You receive all the important tools so that you can create the space in which everything can happen. This includes knowledge of the effects of the gong, psychology, neuroscience, sources from the Guru Granth Sahib, Kundalini Yoga, meditation research and of course the perfect posture and attitude - inside and out.

White Sound Gong Training - 6 topic areas

1 Your basics

The first steps: background of White Sound, participants, do's and don'ts, tension and relaxation

2 Sound frequency - effect

How does White Sound affect the human body? What happens in the brain and body? This is how you can use it for your gong playing

3 Your preparation

How you as a gong player can prepare for gong meditation - reach your high energy level and maintain it permanently

4 Preparing your participants

How you can increase the energy level of the participants in your gong meditation and how they can absorb the power of the gong

5 Processes, change, transformation

What the gong can do. Rise of energy from a scientific perspective.

6 Support and coaching

Alexander accompanies you on your way. That's how it is during training. But you also stay in close contact afterward.

This gong training is for you if you

love power and energy
want to play the gong intensively and energetically
want to grow yourself
trust yourself to fill a group with energy and transform it
are 100% committed - all in!
you are ready to let this gong training take you from uncertainty to security

This gong training is not for you if you

want to play the gong for relaxation
would rather keep your own energy level in the gentle range
want to combine the gong with singing bowls and other instruments
are not sure inside that you want to invest in a gong and the training
cannot find the time to deepen what you have learned at home and in practice

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