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Tina Malia - The Lost Frontier

Product Code: CD1686
Price: £14.29
Track Listing

1. Serendipity
2. The Lost Frontier
3. Boulevard
4. Ambrosia
5. Undercover
6. Warrior
7. Four Leaf Clover
8. Spinners of Yarrow
9. Spark
10. Til Morning
Ms. Malia delivers a rawness and authenticity through her extraordinary voice and musical compositions, as well as her lyrics and prose. Each song on The Lost Frontier is powerful on its own, so collectively the album makes an indelible mark every time one hears it. Upon each listening, something new is learned, as the songs inspire instead of instigate, observe rather than point and wonder rather than blame. Each composition is part of the greater whole that at the end of the day is an affirmation of love, of hope and of responsibility to ouselves and each other. They are, in short, the perfect way for Ms. Malia's vision to be experienced

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