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Tracie Storey
Category: Sound Healing

Tama-Do, The Way Of The Soul: A Journey of Self Discovery to the Light

“The way to the light can only be manifest through self knowledge.

We cannot walk our Soul Path into the future without first,

knowing from where we have come.” Fabien Maman

Sound, Colour and Movement®: The Trinity of Life

In 1981, French musician, composer, martial artist and acupuncturist Fabien Maman, the founding father of vibrational sound therapy (Websters’ Dictionary), conducted a revolutionary sound/cellular biology experiment where he was able to record the impact of acoustic sound on human cells and their energy field. His research changed the landscape of sound healing as we know it today. (Please see Fabien Maman’s book, The Tao of Sound, Tama-Do Academy, 2009.)

In 1988, Fabien created Tama Do (The Way of the Soul), The Academy of Sound, Colour and Movement, offering practical applications to ground the Soul in the daily life. Fabien has created more than 30 techniques, the most famous of which is the use of tuning forks on the major acupuncture command points. Instead of using needles, the vibration in a steel fork is used to stimulate or sedate the meridians helping to harmonize and balance the physical body and our more subtle energy bodies. The key to this work is using the trinity of sound, colour and movement as one to create a transformation in ones own consciousness.

When physical pathology cannot be addressed on the physical level, Fabien believes that we must look to the “cause” of the pathology, which can be found in the subtle memory of the subtle energy fields (aura) outside the body.  (Fabien works with 8 levels of consciousness in the aura.)  

Oftentimes negative emotion or negative thought creates a crystallization of negativity which hangs out in our aura like a rainy day.  When we are particularly negative the crystallization enters our chakras, then into our acupuncture meridians and finally into one of our organs.  Sickness “seems to occur suddenly”, but in reality, we have been building our sickness for a very long time with our negativity.  Fabien Maman uses sound, colour and chi movement to clear all our “garbage” from our energy fields, and replace “our stuff” with music and colour from the sky. 

Shamanic Journeys of Light®

Faery/Shaman Terres Unsoeld, Tama Do’s Master Teacher, joined Fabien Maman in his work in 2001.  Author of Accessing the Way of the Soul through Colour, (Tama-Do Academy, 2007) and Initiate of the High Priestess of the French Druidic Order, Terres teaches songs and healing powers of the 7 Colour Rays, Devas of Nature, Trees, Faeries and Flowers.  She created Tama-Do Academy’s “Shamanic Journeys of Light®” which celebrate and move us toward Pure Light and love, wonder and joy in powerful vortexes of Nature around the world. These Journeys expand our consciousness through physical, spiritual and cosmic exploration.  

The Musique of the Sky®

This year, Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld’s published their new book The Musique of the Sky (Tama-Do Academy 2015), which continues their evolutionary work.  We learn to play the musical notes of our own personal astrological chart!  Fabien and Terres map the way from the Stars to our cells and then back to the stars, a round trip of our cycle of incarnation.  This unravels a whole new dimension which Fabien describes as “ascending to the Light and harmonizing the very essence of our Soul.”

This information, when deeply explored, can help guide us in our life and raise our consciousness from the physical mundane, to our spiritual path.  It is far deeper work than simply knowing the 12 astrological signs which we read about in our horoscopes. 

I took Fabien’s Musique of the Sky supplementary course and found the content completely fascinating.  I was able to navigate and hear (through musique) the areas of my life which were harmonious and which were dissonant. It was a surprise to learn that sometimes my “squared aspects” in my chart were not dissonant at all – but rather, really beautiful!  This taught me that pre-conceived “negativity” in astrology can be just the opposite when “musique” is applied. 

The Tama-Do Academy takes self development to another dimension.  Fabien and Terres are true pioneers and their work is completely unique and something I recommend to anyone who feels a resonance with sound, colour, music, faeries or astrology. 

Tama Do offers keys to find our ‘Way of the Soul’ and as with any path, the further one walks the more there is to discover and uncover.

Tama-Do Academy:


For more infö on workshops and one to one sessions please contact Tracie on:

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