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from: Fabien Maman

Tama-Do Colour Training in the UK

We know that the speed of penetration of colour is faster thansound and movement – and since everything in the Invisible world is very fast –it is clear that colour therapy is the link to the universal consciousnessthrough the 7 Rays…. Rainbow colours are doorways of consciousness, offeringinfinite wisdom through colour therapy until we reach the divine. This isTama-Do’s form of Colour Therapy, ‘the way of the soul’. Tama-Do’s Colour work uses colour to help usconnect with and express our Soul Potentials. We all need to remember what weare and who we are. Tama Do’s form of Colour Therapy will help us on our path. Join inspiring Tama-Do Master Teacher Terres and learn how colour techniques can take your Sound Therapy to a higher level. Colour Training in Surrey 18th-20th Oct 2013. For more information, please contact Carrie Mitchell on 07814036314 I

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