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Healing Sound and Prayers for Don Campbell

Dear Friends of the Sound Forum at Sound Travels

This is to let you know that Don Campbell, one of our beloved grandfathers in the Sound Healing realm,  has advanced cancer and may have a few weeks more to live. 

Don is however living in the present moment as ever,  courageously and playfully engaging with his everyday life, with such grace, humour and lightness of Being. He continues to  surprise his home hospice carers who cannot believe the many ways he is able to respond with such constant generousity to the huge numbers of individuals and groups coming to visit him from far and wide, to simply be with him, in these last weeks. 

SAMA the American Sound Healing Alliance has recently awarded Don with a lifetimes achievement as an innovator, author, teacher, classical musician and great luminary.

As you engage in your own sound healing modalities and practices, each day, alone and with others, we invite you to spend some time each day sending a healing prayer, a moment of gratitude and loving care to our beloved Don.  Whether you know it or not, Don Campbell has played a huge part, as a lineage carrier, in your own sound healing journey. Don, what a great blessing you are. 

In loving presence, and profound gratitude, we remember your unique presence and inspiration in our lives Always. 

Om Om Om

On behalf of us all in the Sound Forum and World Sound Healing community

May the Light of the Ten Thousand Suns guide you in the next cycle of your LIFE


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