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Sheila Whittaker
Category: Gong Work


Life is really one great teacher. If we can surrender and allow it to flow unhindered and without manipulation, taking us along with it, itgives us all the lessons we need to learn and grow, and become wiser people. Inthe early stages of “awakening” to our inner power, carefully chosen gurus,spiritual teachers, meditation techniques etc can be very helpful in clearingthe way. When we reach a certain point, however, and we can see from a moreaware perspective, there is no further need for anything other than our own innerknowing – our intuition. When that is strongly connected and acting as our mainguide, we then no longer need to depend on outer advice and guidance, as wehave it all coming from within. You get to the point of being able to see whatthere is to learn in everything that happens. And there is always something tolearn! That takes a certain level of humility. Every situation, person, andcircumstance is a teacher when we are looking at things in a surrendered andmindful manner.

You can do all the training in the world, but if you’re notprepared to look at your own issues and face your own demons, it’s all in vain.You can carry on, burying the pain of past trauma and heartbreak, and coveringit up with busyness, addictions, shopping, and various other distractions, butthe issues will still be there, needing to be acknowledged, released  and healed if we want to move on from thatold stuff and make the best of ourselves. We all need to do our own inner work.Everyone. Even self realised people – those who have realised their true natureas One with all. There is always more to uncover – like peeling the layers ofan onion. No-one is perfect – we all have our “stuff”. The more inner work youdo, the more aware and conscious you become, the more your inner light shines, andthe happier you will be. Our natural state is joy, but for most people this iscovered up by layers of pain and discomfort from past issues and trauma, andsocietal conditioning.  Awakening is anever deepening process, and we never get to the bottom of it – there’s alwaysmore. There is nothing so amazing, satisfying, painful, andwonderful, as finding, acknowledging, and healing all those different parts ofourselves and gradually becoming whole, centred, well balanced people. It'swhat we are here for - to learn, heal and grow.

This inner work is necessary if we want to live life freeand unencumbered by fears and doubts. That old held pain holds us back in life.It creates fear of being “not good enough”, and stops us taking steps that couldlead us into greater and more fulfilling adventures. It’s difficult to realiseyour full potential if you are suffering from self doubt, neediness, low selfesteem, guilt, shame, rage, and other toxic feelings caused by an unhappychildhood, abuse or past trauma.

The gong work is a gift of the highest order. It gives usthe ability to see ourselves as we are with no frills, if we allow it. It openus up emotionally and enables us to release past trauma and pain in the safety ofthe Gong Space without having to go back into the experience itself – usuallywe get just the feeling of it passing through to be released and healed. Thegong sounds appear to work on the subconscious where we store our emotional painfrom the past, and bring it up in small doses to be released. This can be alittle uncomfortable initially, but it’s short-lasting, and we never seem toget more than we can cope with. After this clearing has happened, people reportfeeling lighter and able to move on with their lives as never before. We havecountless reports of people taking crucial steps forward on their life path followingexperiences with the gongs. For some, attending a gong session is literallylife-changing. 

So the gongs are just one tool that can be used to gentlybring up, acknowledge and clear our inner issues, to enable us to move forward.The gong is not the only way of course. There are many ways in which we canheal, and life has a way of presenting us with the best solutions at the righttime, as well as the situations, people and circumstances that will trigger thethings we need to recognise, acknowledge and learn from.  We just need to stop for a moment, and besilent. Watch and listen. And be guided by that inner knowing as to what wouldmost benefit us at this time.

Sheila Whittaker 2.1.19

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